The Acolyte (2024)
Akrimaya 11 points 1 month ago.

Being a young 50 something I saw the original Star Wars in theaters when it came out. I may be in the minority but I have no need to watch the 100 prequels that have come out since. I really don’t want to know why the characters became what they are. It ruins the mystery for me. I’m still a fan though. May the force be with you all.

hackenprof 2 points 29 days ago.

Same age, seen every SW movie on the big screen (credentials, woohoo) and I feel exactly the opposite. Give me stories, more stories, and keep the stories coming, I gobble it up even if The Mandalorian writers did steal scenes from every well known sci-fi movie of the last 50 years (including SW). Admittedly lazy and unoriginal, but i still enjoy the stories, just as I’m enjoying this one so far. I grew up reading Thieves’ World and Dragonlance novels, where the stories never end, so that might be my problem.