VICE News Presents: Epstein Didn't Kill Himself (2024)
random000 2 points 29 days ago*.

A parasite is a parasite. It doesn’t matter how they meet their end. If the parasite kills himself - great. If someone else executes the parasite to silence him, or carry out a vendetta - great. The parasite is gone. Super. A network who reports the possibility of a different death & has enough material to publish this thesis is not protecting anyone. They’re publishing a thesis they believe to be viable.

Anyone who has a stake in just one singular narrative that they insist upon has revealed a false ideology they care more about forwarding rather than children. To this type of viewer, victimization of children is incidental in forwarding their agenda - and this makes them equally culpable in victimizing children, and there is no amount of discussion they could ever produce that will ever remove that stain they put upon themselves.

A parasite is dead. That’s cause to celebrate. Method of death makes no matter.

dosmundos 5 points 29 days ago.

The parasite was killed to prevent him from implicating other parasites, not for punishment for being a parasite. He was only killed once he stopped becoming a threat to children and became a threat to other predators. how is that ‘great’ that we can’t prosecute others now?