The Acolyte (2024)
xii43158 1 points 1 month ago.

There is the Andor series, which is amazing.

greyfur 2 points 1 month ago.

Yup, been watching that. There is not that I have been watching anymore, though there are a few that are getting ready to be cancelled, at the end of this season, am following through on those. Andor is really good, and has my attention, and have been waiting for the next season to come out.

Seems to me that there is not a lot of really good quality stuff coming out anymore, and especially when it comes to science fiction, depending on what you like. And when something good does come out, it seems like it does not last very long, sadly.

One good one, that I have come to like, unrelated to Star Wars, is the new ‘Dark Matter’ series. Total mind bender, and it does not take one long to get hooked into it. If you have not watched it, I would strongly recommend it. It’s up to episode 5 on the first season, so you have a nice partial binge to look forward to.