Nichijou follows the everyday lives of various people in the town of Tokisadame, mainly focusing on the energetic Yūko Aioi, the bright and cheerful Mio Naganohara, the quiet and deadpan Mai Minakami, the anxious robot Nano Shinonome, her eight-year-old creator the Professor, and a talking cat named Sakamoto, along with an ensemble cast of characters. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | April 3, 2011 | |
Runtime: | 30 min | |
Genres: | Comedy Anime | |
AKA: | My Ordinary Life | |
Countries: | Japan | |
Companies: | TV Aichi Kyoto Animation | |
Cast: | Tetsu Inada Cho Minoru Shiraishi Kaoru Mizuhara Yoshihisa Kawahara Mai Aizawa Hiroshi Naka Kazutomi Yamamoto Hiromi Konno Mariko Honda Takashi Nagasako 13 more Misuzu Togashi Kaori Sadohara Hiramatsu Hirokazu Mami Kosuge Shizuka Furuya Horikawa Chika Hikami Takahiro Tamaoki Youko Yamaguchi Kouta Yoshizaki Ryouta Higuchi Yumi Hirosaka Ai Kobayashi Motoko | |
dosmundos : how could the order in which the books are written not be the order of suggested reading? ...