"The Tyra Banks Show", also known as and shortened to Tyra or The Tyra Show, is an American talk show hosted by Tyra Banks. While Banks's show covered a variety of topics, there was a sensationalized focus on current issues facing women, with often special episodes on America's Next Top Model, which Banks herself had also created and which she still hosts. In its later seasons, it took on a tabloid format similar to shows such as Maury and The Montel Williams Show, covering topics such as people with odd psychological problems, among other subjects.The show was aired in many countries, and also remained available on XM Satellite Radio's Take Five channel in both the United States and Canada.

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Ratings: TVMaze: No Rating
Released: September 12, 2005
Runtime: 60 min
AKA: The Tyra Show, Tyra
Countries: United States
Companies: Syndication Bankable Productions
Cast: Tyra Banks

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