Hell's Kitchen is a British cookery reality show airing on ITV which features prospective chefs competing with each other for a final prize. Four series have aired since 2004, three presented by Angus Deayton and the latest by Claudia Winkleman. The show has had different formats and different head chefs for each season so far, including Gordon Ramsay, Gary Rhodes, Jean-Christophe Novelli and Marco Pierre White. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | May 23, 2004 | |
Runtime: | 45 min | |
Genres: | Food | |
AKA: | Hell's Kitchen UK | |
Countries: | United Kingdom | |
Companies: | ITV | |
Cast: | Angus Deayton Claudia Winkleman Gordon Ramsay Gary Rhodes Marco Pierre White Jean-Christophe Novelli | |
DownrightDebonaire : damn, you for commenting, now I have to watch it too!