New Looney Tunes is a Looney Tunes Production focusing on Bugs Bunny with new adventures in the form of shorts. The hilarious, heroic and mischievous Bugs Bunny you love is back! From Warner Bros. Animation, Bugs stars in an all-new series consisting of comedic shorts that find the iconic carrot-loving rabbit matching wits against (and getting the best of) classic characters like Yosemite Sam and Wile E. Coyote. Along the way, Bugs will encounter brand-new foes…and he'll have some help from new friends like Bigfoot and Squeaks the Squirrel. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: 7.2/10 | |
Released: | September 21, 2015 | |
Runtime: | 11 min | |
Genres: | Action Adventure Comedy | |
AKA: | Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production | |
Countries: | United States | |
Companies: | Cartoon Network Warner Bros. Animation | |
Cast: | Bob Bergen Candi Milo Jeff Bergman | |
Crew: | Sam Register | |
magically_delicious : Contains spoilers. Click to show. The book's ending was completely different; it was ambiguous with the hope of help still ...