Gregory Horror Show is a 3D CGI animated television series created by Naomi Iwata and televised by the Asahi National Broadcasting Company. The series main character is Gregory, a mouse who is the caretaker of an eerie old hotel. One of Gregory's favorite pastimes is antagonizing his guests, playing on their deepest fears. The animated series has four storylines that unfold throughout a series of episodes. The first season, "The Nightmare Begins" has 25 episodes. The second season is "The Second Guest", a story of a woman who arrives at the hotel, and has 25 episodes. The last two seasons are "The Last Train" and "The Bloody Karte". |
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | October 2, 1999 | |
Runtime: | 3 min | |
Genres: | Mystery Anime History | |
Countries: | Japan | |
Companies: | TV Asahi Milky Cartoon | |
Mattrizzo : Agree,,,good 50s style creature horror.