Nicolle Wallace looks at the things President Trump talked about Tuesday night at a rally, as the world awaits moral leadership from America.
LA Times reporter Eli Stokols, Princeton professor Eddie Glaude, Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson, and former Chief of Staff to VPs Biden and Gore Ron Klain on Stacey Abrams focusing on fighting voter suppression in the 2020 election as Beto O'Rourke is set to deliver a campaign reset speech after the tragedy in El Paso.
LA Times reporter Eli Stokols, former managing editor at TIME Rick Stengel, Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson, former Chief of Staff to VPs Biden and Gore Ron Klain, and foreign affairs journalist Elise Labott on how Trump's inaction on the escalating tensions in Hong Kong is being viewed by the rest of the world.
Former Acting Director at FBI Frank Figliuzzi joins Nicolle Wallace to discuss reporting that a Russian company invested in an aluminium plant in Kentucky soon after McConnell led the efforts to lift sanctions on that company.
Former US Attorney Joyce Vance, LA Times reporter Eli Stokols, Princeton professor Eddie Glaude, and Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson on whether or not Attorney General Barr should recuse himself from the investigation into Epstein's apparent suicide.
BoochJohnson : How so?