Deutschland is a coming-of-age spy thriller, which unfolds just as the Cold War between East and West comes to a head. The drama follows Martin Rauch as the 24-year-old East German native is pulled from the world as he knows it and sent to the West as an undercover spy for the Stasi foreign service. Hiding in plain sight in the West German army, he must gather the secrets of NATO military strategy. Everything is new, nothing is quite what it seems and everyone he encounters is harboring secrets, both political and personal.

  • Currently 77.77777777777777/5
(18 votes)
Ratings: TVMaze: 8.1/10
Released: June 17, 2015
Genres: Action Drama Thriller
AKA: Deutschland 83, Deutschland 86, Deutschland 89
Companies: Prime Video UFA Fiction RTL Big Window Productions
Cast: Ulrich Noethen Corinna Harfouch Sylvester Groth Alexander Beyer Anke Engelke Maria Schrader Lavinia Wilson Fritzi Haberlandt Uwe Preuss Ludwig Trepte Jonas Nay 7 more
Crew: Anna Winger Jörg Winger Sven Fehrensen Cornelia Mareth Maria Rölcke Lars Lange Katrin Unterberger Milena Pfleiderer SFX Department Berlin Chimney Deutschland Saskia Marka 8 more

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