Cantinflas y sus Amigos (Amigo and Friends) is an educational cartoon for children based on the Mexican cartoon series, Cantinflas Show of 1969. The cartoon focuses on a wide range of topics designed to educate Children, Amigo is a little Mexican character who follows the adventures of educating through time and space and comes to visit Shakespeare, see the ancient pyramids, and even travel to other planets. The Amigo character in the animated series is based on the legendary character Cantinflas, played by Mexican actor and comedian Mario Moreno Reyes. The series was created and produced by Televisa, then known as Telesistema Mexicano. The company was also responsible for the distribution of the series in Mexico. In 1982, Hanna-Barbera Productions called and renamed the series in English as Amigo and Friends. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | November 19, 1982 | |
Runtime: | 6 min | |
Genres: | Children | |
AKA: | Amigo and Friends | |
Countries: | Mexico | |
Companies: | Telesistema Mexicano | |
Arcangel2020 : *Cue the 70ies era TV Crime Drama Funky Bass theme music* Don't DO the CRIME, if ya ain't...