The story of Kotetsushin Jeeg takes place fifty years after the original and features a new cast of characters - primarily the new main character Kenji Kusanagi, a high school student and motorcycle racer who becomes Kotetsushin Jeeg to fight the sudden reappearance of (Haniwa Phantom Gods, or clay robots) from the Jamada Empire ruled by Queen Himika. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | April 5, 2007 | |
Runtime: | 25 min | |
Genres: | Anime Sci-Fi | |
AKA: | Kotetsu Shin Jeeg, Steel God Jeeg, 鋼鉄神ジーグ | |
Countries: | Japan | |
Companies: | WOWOW | |
Cast: | Daisuke Ono Kana Ueda Susumu Chiba | |
AnHistoricPigeon : What prism said. Re-watched Strange New Worlds recently and out of the three major 'new s...