The Garden of Eden, part two of the seminar series, describes the earth as it was before the worldwide flood. Dr. Hovind explains in detail how it was possible for man to live over 900 years, for plants and animals to grow much larger than today, and for dinosaurs to thrive along with man.Major Points Covered in the Video Series by Dr. Kent Hovind Part 2—The Garden of Eden • People who scoff at the Bible are "willingly ignorant" of the creation and the flood • Originally created world was different • Gap Theory • Day-Age Theory • Pre-flood water canopy - Why people lived to be over 900 years old - Why dinosaurs grewso big - Hyperbaric chamber • Cave Men - Nebraska Man - Piltdown Man - Neanderthal Man - Lucy • Huge animals and plants lived before the flood • Dinosaurs lived with man before the flood • God's original diet • God's promise to restore the earth
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yellow_rose1 : I love everything about Adele. Including her sweet baby boy Angelo. She has earned her pla...