For many years, some thought the existence of dinosaurs discredited the Biblical account of creation. In part three of the seminar series, Dinosaurs and the Bible, Dr. Hovind traces the Biblical and historical references to dinosaurs and interviews people who claim they have seen living dinosaurs.
Major Points Covered in the Video Series by Dr. Kent HovindPart 3A—Dinosaurs and the Bible • Dinosaurs on the Ark • Flood Legends • Noah's Ark discovered? —two possibilities • Most dinosaurs died shortly after the flood - Different climate - Man's hunting • Dinosaurs in history • Dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible
Part 3B—Dinosaurs Today • Could a fewdinosaurs still be alive? • Thousands of sightings in remote places - Mokele-Mbembe in Africa - Loch Ness - Japanese catch - China - California - Canada - Lake Champlain, Vermont - Off the coast of Pensacola, Florida
To Be Determined
Travis_Pickle69 : very interesting film