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Finally starting to get good. Glad to hear!
I’m thrilled this is almost back for Season 2!! Yay! Such an interesting mix…. Sons of Anarchy and it’s own brand. Just enough of the 1st and it’s new spin. Hopefully the 2nd season is just as good. 😉
Not exactly surprising since all the other shows he’s tried miserably failed and he really doesn’t have much to do with Mayans. Bit of a one-trick pony that guy.
Let’s see here…if you’re referring to Kurt Sutter? He was part of the (excellent) FX series “The Shield”; he created the (excellent) series “Sons of Anarchy” (which he also even appeared in as a character) and was part of “Mayans MC” during the first season. The only show that “failed” was “The Bastard Executioner”. So, he is far from what you call a “One Trick Pony”
Season 5 has been excellent so far, and really sucks that it is going to be the last season, or so I hear. Only 3 more episodes to go, and then that’s that. Really going to miss this show when it’s over.
Anyone else struggling with season 3? They kept saying it was going to be the best season yet and so far it seems like it’s dragging and we’re already over halfway through the season.
Really happy they got rid of that crappy theme song for season 3.