The event miniseries follows the epic tales of Harry Houdini as he emerges as America's first bonafide world-renowned superstar. From humble beginnings at circus sideshows to sold-out concert halls, Eastern European immigrant Erich Weiss rose to become a household name across the globe - Houdini. Academy Award(R) winner Adrien Brody stars as The Great Harry Houdini as he finds fame, engages in espionage, battles spiritualists, and encounters the greatest names of the era, from U.S. presidents to Arthur Conan Doyle and Rasputin. A thrilling ride throughout Harry's psyche, Houdini delves deep behind the curtain into his life through his stunts, his visions, and his mastery of illusion.

  • Currently 70.0/5
(4 votes)
Ratings: TVMaze: 8.0/10
Released: September 1, 2014
Runtime: 120 min
Genres: Drama
Countries: United States
Companies: History Cypress Point Productions Chains Productions Lionsgate Television Pioneer Stillking Houdini KFT A+E Studios
Cast: Adrien Brody Tim Pigott-Smith David Calder Evan Jones Linda Marlowe Tom Benedict Knight Kristen Connolly Anthony Cozens Shaun Williamson Madeleine Potter Michael Grant Terry 2 more
Crew: David Minkowski Karen Mayeda Vranek Gerald W. Abrams András Hámori

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