The controversial and unconventional drama delves into the harsh inner-workings of a Los Angeles-based Islamic terrorist cell headed by a charismatic and fanatical extremist (Fehr) and an Muslim undercover FBI agent (Ealy) who infiltrates it. Last year's mini-series featured a powerful and engrossing two-hour finale that will set the stage for the new Sleeper Cell, which will continue to combine timely, meticulously researched storylines and complex characters to create an entertaining and thought-provoking television event. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: 8.0/10 | |
Released: | December 4, 2005 | |
Runtime: | 60 min | |
Genres: | Drama Crime Espionage | |
Countries: | United States | |
Companies: | Showtime Cardboard Guru Productions Sin Sentido Films | |
Cast: | James Le Gros Michael Ealy Oded Fehr Omid Abtahi Melissa Sagemiller Grant Heslov Alex Nesic Henri Lubatti Blake Shields | |
Crew: | Ethan Reiff Cyrus Voris Chad Tomasoski | |
Xsile : It is a freaking cartoon not a testiment to humanity, government politics or religion. Jus...