Khadijah and Regine send their mothers to the Bahamas as a Mother's Day gift, and Khadijah's grandmother comes to stay with her. Rita expresses concern about the fact that Nana has been wandering off, and fears that her age is showing. Nana vanishes, and Khadijah is stunned to find that she has returned to New Jersey for a rendezvous with her boyfriend, the town baker. With Khadijah as a buffer, Nana finally has a talk with Rita about her need for a personal life. After Laverne reminds her about her affair with a snorkel instructor, Rita agrees to give Nana a break, provided that she be more honest in the future. Overton videotapes the events as a gift for his mother. While researching his family tree, Kyle discovers that his great-great-grandfather invented the sipping straw, only to be bilked out of his money by a hustler who was one of Max's ancestors. Kyle has the last laugh when he learns that the pain of losing their fortunes was what first brought his great-great-grandparents together.Tag:Overton shows some leftover footage.
ziggycat2008 : Have to agree one of the best tv shows that has been broadcast .