In the year 2067, eight years after the events in Macross Frontier, a deadly new disease, the "Var Syndrome", threatens the galaxy. The Tactical Music Unit, "Walkure", under the protection of the Valkyrie "Delta Team", join together to combat this new threat. During a Var Syndrome outbreak, the Walkure unit is suddenly attacked by the mysterious "Aerial Knight" Valkyrie Team from the Kingdom of the Wind, the motivation for which remains a mystery... |
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | April 3, 2016 | |
Runtime: | 25 min | |
Genres: | Action Anime Sci-Fi | |
AKA: | Macross Δ, マクロスΔ(デルタ) | |
Countries: | Japan | |
Companies: | MBS SATELIGHT Studio Nue | |
Cast: | Ami Koshimizu Kaito Ishikawa Asami Seto Suzuko Mimori Kiyono Yasuno KENN Yūma Uchida | |
dosmundos : "if" someone wakes up and declares war? Every POTUS has declared war on some other nation ...