Carly and Zack temporarily move in with Donna at the beach front apartment after they are evicted from their house for repairs where she gives Donna love life advice who's deciding whether or not to move onto the next stage with Noah. Meanwhile, Dr. Monahan angrily confronts Kelly about her sexual harassment charge against him. David finally admits to Donna about his relationship with Valerie being a farce, but that soon changes when Valerie admits getting feelings for him again. After Emma quits her job at Brandon's newspaper agency, she puts pressure on him who is determined to hide their Christmas fling at any cost, while Brandon hires a new writer, named Janet Sosna, as Emma's replacement. Also, Valerie has a run-in with Duke, Brandon's former bookmaker, whom she tells to stay away from the Peach Pit After Dark, until he offers her a cut of his winnings. Elsewhere, Steve and Brandon rescue David from his car wash job by offering him another as a music critic for their paper, and little Zack accidentally draws on Donna's design sketches just before a meeting with a new potential employer.
Lily23 : I agree with you. The story could be interesting but the main characters are not.