A 26-episode Hungarian animated children's series produced in 1978 in the studios of PannóniaFilm. Created by the acclaimed children's literature writer and graphic artist Veronika Marék and animator Zsolt Richly, its protagonist is one of the most prolific mascots of Hungarian animation. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | August 26, 1977 | |
Runtime: | 10 min | |
Genres: | Comedy Fantasy Children | |
AKA: | The Check-Eared Rabbit, The Flying Rabbit, The Rabbit with the Checkered Ears, 耳がチェック柄のうさぎ | |
Countries: | Hungary | |
Companies: | Pannónia Filmstúdió M1 | |
DownrightDebonaire : the exact same thing happened last season with this show