Set in the near future, Orphan Black: Echoes takes a deep dive into the exploration of the scientific manipulation of human existence. It follows a group of women as they weave their way into each other's lives and embark on a journey, unravelling the mystery of their identity and uncovering a story of love and betrayal.
I really love Krysten Ritter but um’ shouldn’t this one have been done with dudes? So over it.
I stopped watching Orphan Black after the 2nd season. Keely Hawes is in this one but not sure that is enough to draw me in.
Ok I totally watched this thinking Kristen Wiig not Krysten Ritter. I was going into it thinking WTF happened in casting? It started off well, but made me go back to re-watch Orphan Black instead of episode 2. The Orphan Black pilot really sucks you in. This one just starts off with a little intrigue.
I was looking forward to this, but I’m not impressed after watching the pilot. I notice little things like the first thing you need to do if you’re hiding from someone is to cut and color your hair. Also, you don’t run away from home and leave the door unlocked and all the frigging lights on, I don’t care how far out in the boonies you are. I guess they’re trying to be all politically correct, because that little “girl” is definitely trans. Not necessary, and doesn’t add to the story. I’ll keep watching, but I can see this is nothing at all like the original, which I was totally addicted to. Not sure if this is going to get me hooked or not.
The air date is wrong it’s may 98, 2024 now and I already seen this show months ago
The air date shown here is when it is set to debut on AMC. Prior to that, the first season was released in its entirety in Australia on Stan November 3, 2023. No clue where you got May 1998 from.
You are right, I have seen it recently as well.
Yes, me too, I was confused.