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The night shift has just started when a call comes through for all roads policing officers to attend what they fear might be a potentially fatal RTC on the M5. As Sgt Gladwin rushes towards the scene on the blues and twos he is presented with a more immediate problem, a truck on fire at the side of the carriageway. The smoke from the fire is spreading across the road onto the traffic coming from the opposite direction making driving hazardous for all. With no choice Sgt Gladwin needs to stop all traffic on the motorway until the fire can be put out. The driver and passengers have managed to get out of the truck, but as they wait for the fire brigade to arrive the car starts to explode, putting more lives at risk. As the fire brigade get the flames under control Sgt Gladwin turns his attention to the truck driver and checking his documents. Unfortunately, the insurance the driver had has run out and has not been renewed, meaning he will be left to pay for all the damage including replacing the truck.

PC Webber and his colleague are heading back to the station for a break when they are stopped by a member of the public who is concerned that he is being targeted by an online scam. Unsure of what to do he approaches the officers for help. They explain that it probably is a scam and advise the man to change his passwords for his banking.

Elsewhere in Gloucestershire a shopkeeper has asked for police to attend when a woman who appears drunk has taken a bottle of wine from the shelf and is imbibing it without paying. After a long negotiation with the woman, who they arrest because she says she has no money, PC Tom Spiers persuades her to let him try her bank card and the payment goes through. With the woman ‘de-arrested' the shop can close and the staff can go home.

PC Webb, known as Bear, is out on patrol when he spots a car speeding with heavily tinted windows and an illegal number plate, but after words of warning he lets him go. Later, Bear on solo patrol, pulls over a van driver on a busy carriageway to let him know that his back lights are out. He suspects that the driver has been drinking and as he tries to test him the man becomes aggressive. Bear attempts to handcuff the man, but he spits liquid out at him and pushes him into the path of the lorries who are thundering by on the road. Concerned for his life he presses his State Zero button to get other units there as quickly as possible. Luckily for Bear they are only a few miles away. The man is arrested for drink driving and assaulting a police officer.

Roads policing officer PC Dudfield is called to stop a car with a drugs marker that is travelling on the M5 by boxing him in, but it doesn't go to plan when first there are traffic works in the way and then a lorry. Eventually the car is stopped and searched but there are no drugs, only a large sum of cash so the man is free to go.

  • Currently 5.0/5
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Title: Episode 2
Air Date: October 30, 2023
Runtime: 60 min

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