A turbulent youth comedy between a mysterious uncle, Shimobee (Ken Yasuda) and a high school girl Yurina (Sei Shiraishi)! Yurina is known to Yasuko (Akiko Yada) about the existence of her servant. Yasuko is suspicious of her servant, but it's not unreasonable. Yurina was doing well every day as she learned her studies from Tatsuma (Daichi Kaneko), but Yasuko was suspicious! A younger girl named Izumi (Natsumi Ikema) approached Tatsuma, and the flow was getting worse and worse. A karate showdown between Tada (Shuichiro Naito) and his father! |
Title: | I'm in the shower right now! Why karate showdown? | |
Air Date: | January 21, 2022 | |
Runtime: | 44 min | |
Genres: | Drama Comedy | |
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