An unconventional detective duo of Shingo Tokita, a veteran detective who is full of clutter and does not work at all, and Yu Shiina, a partner who follows Tokita for stimulus, is investigating a completely out-of-place international drug trading case. I will be dispatched. Misato Satomi and Akira Ohira, who give instructions to them from the radio room, suddenly developed into a terrifying situation, although they should have been just talking about small things. Around that time, the criminal duo lurking in the warehouse: Ichijo and Ichijo were at the mercy of Mari, who was supposed to be the victim of the kidnapping. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | December 17, 2021 | |
Runtime: | 30 min | |
Genres: | Crime Comedy Mystery | |
AKA: | No Activity, No Activity - 本日も異状なし -, No Activity 本日も異状なし | |
Companies: | Prime Video | |
Cast: | Tomoya Nakamura Toyokawa Etsushi | |
grasshopper rex : why do you think they keep removing your comments?