A Classic Australian Drama, Power Without Glory is a serialised adaptation of the controversial novel by Frank Hardy. A journey spanning five decades, this masterful series documents John West's life from his impoverished youth during the depression of the 1890s to his death as a self-made millionaire. For the battlers of the Melbourne slums there were only two ways to challenge the bosses - through organised labour and the growing trade union movement, or to challenge the establishment through the acquisition of wealth and power; bought at any cost. John West chose the latter. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | June 21, 1976 | |
Runtime: | 50 min | |
Genres: | Drama | |
Countries: | Australia | |
Companies: | ABC | |
Lily23 : sounds like you didn't watch Selling Sunset. This is the NY version of that franchise. Pet...