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hanging out down the street …. same old thing we did last week !
the new cast does not know how to act everything seems chessy
I personally enjoyed it. Red & Kitty were great as usual. I think season 2 will improve a lot more.
Dross. They so desperately tried to replicate all the characters from the original instead of coming up with unique ones, but none of the chemistry is there. Just another lame cash grab instead of coming up with something new.
This show is just horrific.
Heard Netflix might do a reboot of laverne & shirley. Two single robotic female arms working the bottle line at the brewery. THEE END
If it gets a season 2 - it will need some polishing and reworking. Stories & characters are a little rough.
I Think this is a great idea. The old characters are as good as ever and we get to start 20 years later in the same house with a new generation.
They try to recapture what made That 70’s Show great but fall short. All the old cast members are fantastic and natural in their roles and cameos, but that’s to be expected of actors who got 8 years of full 25 ep seasons to know their character. The new main cast is all over the place. There seems to be no consistency in their characters although a few were starting to come together in the last few episodes. I don’t think the Netflix schedule does this show format any favors as everything just felt rushed. If there is a second season hopefully they can fix some of these problems.