Players is a comedic documentary-style series that follows a fictional pro League of Legends esports team, as they pursue their first championship after years of close calls and heartache. To win it all, they will need their prodigy, a 17-year-old rookie, and their 27-year-old veteran to put their egos aside and work together. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: 5.1/10 | |
Released: | June 16, 2022 | |
Genres: | Comedy | |
Companies: | 3 Arts Entertainment CBS Studios Brillstein Entertainment Partners Funny or Die Paramount+ | |
Cast: | Matt Shively Stephen Schneider Ely Henry Lance Lim Luke Tennie Alexa Mansour Moses Jacob Storm Holly Chou Misha Brooks Peter Thurnwald Da'Jour Jones 3 more Youngbin Chung Noh Arrow Dong-Hyeon Michael Ahn | |
Crew: | Tony Yacenda Daniel Perrault | |
mkmikas : getting sound of my voice vibe