Cheat revolves around five main young characters; an innocent young man, Vee, who has had an unusual sheltered upbringing. Vee lives with his full-time guardian, an apostolic nun. The series concerns the effect that Vee has on 3 siblings: Dong, Jennifer, and Jay. The siblings live with their mother who dabbles in witchcraft. Their father, who is never seen, left the family to be with his Mistress who makes up the eighth character in the entire series. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | December 1, 2020 | |
Runtime: | 20 min | |
Genres: | Drama Romance Supernatural | |
Companies: | YouTube | |
Cast: | VR Relosa Iyo Canlas Daryll Rodriguez Migo De Vera Allora Alcantara | |
smeehee : Dead Link