The Chase is a heart-racing quiz show where three competitors must pit their wits and face off against the Chaser, a ruthless quiz genius determined to stop them from winning cash prizes. Each hour-long episode is a fast-paced battle of brainpower, where contestants are challenged to think faster than they ever thought possible to answer up to 166 questions across all topics. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: 7.6/10 | |
Released: | January 7, 2021 | |
Runtime: | 60 min | |
Countries: | United States | |
Companies: | ABC ITV Entertainment | |
Cast: | Mark Labbett Ken Jennings Sara Haines Brad Abelle Brad Rutter James Holzhauer Victoria Groce Brandon Blackwell Buzzy Cohen | |
Crew: | David George Vincent Rubino Simon Thomas Steve Bass Adam Sher Melanie Oberman Bernie Schaeffer Marco Mancini Ed Egan Aaron Sandler Joey Ortega 1 more Annalisa De Meo | |
Dreamcrusher : I bet you're fun at parties :)