A psychological crime drama, Damaged, stars Amruta Khanvilkar as the seductress, Lovina – a promiscuous, brutal and remorseless serial killer, and Amit Sial as Abhay – a ruthless, angry and trigger–happy cop. The show is an interesting study of human behaviour with both the lead stars playing characters that are flawed and have more shades than one. The worlds of these ‘Damaged' characters collide, creating a dramatic and gripping confrontation. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | June 6, 2018 | |
Runtime: | 20 min | |
Genres: | Drama Thriller Crime | |
Countries: | India | |
Companies: | Hungama | |
Dvora : I think I am going to like this show. Its fresh, funny and Canadian. :)