Shining Girls is a metaphysical thriller, which follows a Chicago reporter who survived a brutal assault only to find her reality shifting as she hunts down her attacker.
I’ve yet to watch it and since seeing her in Mad Men, I like her and she can take on any character and make it her own. But I just couldn’t get into The Handmaid’s Tale, maybe at some point I’ll try watching it again. I’m going to start this drama next after I catch up on Bosch: Legacy.
elisabeth moss is sooooo good. this has started off great.hooked already.
Elisabeth Moss..enough said..mic drop 🎤
This show is something else. Once again, incredible acting by Elizabeth Moss. 5/5 mind warp ep 4!
1st Season was excellent. Idk how but I hope they make a 2nd season next year, not 2 years from now if it does come
I’ve yet to watch it and since seeing her in Mad Men, I like her and she can take on any character and make it her own. But I just couldn’t get into The Handmaid’s Tale, maybe at some point I’ll try watching it again. I’m going to start this drama next after I catch up on Bosch: Legacy.
The Shining Girls and Moon Knight are the same story just different characters.