Pigeon Street was an animated children's television series originally shown on the BBC in 1981 as part of its 'See-saw' strand for pre-schoolers. There were two series with eight and five episodes respectively, each programme lasting fifteen minutes. The series has been repeated a number of times. The animation was created by Alan Rogers and Peter Lang of the Cut-Out Animation Co., who later went on to do a nursery rhyme series with similar animation called Rub-A-Dub-Dub. Voices were performed by George Layton, with additional voices by John Telfer. Music was by Benni Lees, and played by Soulyard. The shows featured the everyday adventures of a group of characters living on Pigeon Street, an area of flats and terraced housing in a British city, also home to several pigeons which appeared in each show but only occasionally featured in the plot. Characters included Clara the long... |
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | February 10, 1981 | |
Runtime: | 10 min | |
Genres: | Children | |
Countries: | United Kingdom | |
Companies: | BBC One | |
Lulusbay : So totally Australian I could smell it... made me homesick. Beautiful family story, this ...