It's the end of a busy week after another successful auction and while Derek's in the yard tryingto fettle a 1967 Ford Zodiac, Dave's heading off across the North Yorkshire moors to collect aFord Fiesta XR2i that's been stuck in a leaky garage for the past twenty-one years. When theMathewsonsaren't selling cars, they're racing them, so Jack and Paul have taken their FordEscort Mk1 and Mk2 rally cars to Dalton Forest for a relaxing weekend tearing around the pine-fringed tracks. Also keen to get out on the road, Derek visits a fantastic private collection inLincolnshire. He returns with an immaculate low mileage 1967 Humber Sceptre; a 1956 SivaTourer with a Ford Popular engine, a car made famous in early episodes of the Dr. Who TVseries; a quirky Garner tractor and a 100 year-old horse-drawn hay wagon. Back at the garage,a lovely 1953 AJS motorcycle is dropped off for the auction by its owner and draws anappreciative crowd.
Crim : Yep. and we wait one more week. I every time say to myself just wait to watch it all. but ...