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Incredibly well written and acted, this is not your typical kid show
Good show; I really want to see season two!
I don’t usually binge or even watch family type shows but one episode in I found myself hooked! Truly awesome show and fun to watch. Glad I didn’t pass it over.
Another one I wouldn’t have tried without getting my arm twisted by the girlfriend. It looked like one of those weak “family shows” with a 10 year old in the lead, not for me.
Actually it’s a great crime show and the cast and storyline are excellent. That kid can act circles around the grown up cast and the “family” scenes are pretty good, genuine and not the soporific sugary type.
Finally a good watch from Appletv
Looking for something to binge watch, and from the comments, I think I’ll try it. I need something exciting.
Here’s a couple not too old shows that were canceled prematurely that are good binge series: Human Target and Terriers.
Totally binge worth. AND you don’t have to hide it from your kids. They will thoroughly enjoy it too. Good family entertainment show that will have you hooked.
eff 04/03: Brand New AppleTV+ Mystery Series just dropped with a 10 Episode Season!
Here is an Official Sneak Peek!
Good show so far, a bit half way through season 1 . But there is definitely some key elements missing. I don’t know if its been cut or its just the show itself , or there is episodes missing. For example, they didn’t show how they got the safe open, and more importantly , they didn’t show how the murder of Penny Gillis was solved, those are glaring holes that for a mystery makes it almost not worth watching. I will finish it if just for the kid, she is an amazing talent. But ya, maybe it was the links I used, I don’t know. I would like to hear from anyone who watched and knows, is that just the show or is it cut?, cause not explaining major plot points like that in a mystery , kinda ruins the whole thing.
I fell for all the hype (again) and watched Season 1. It was disappointing to say the least. Just like someone said here in the comments - a weak show about a family and a 10yr old girl. It’s not really interesting or long enough (episode wise) to keep an adult entertained. Seems to be more for a younger, easily pleased audience. Won’t be bothering with Season 2. Don’t fall for the hype especially considering a 10yr old girl was the reason for it. The actors are basically unknown and Jim Sturgess is very forgettable as the dad - like he is in all his roles. He’s past it already! Unfortunately he’s the UK’s disappointment as a 10yr old girl can act circles around him!
Literally NOBODY in the comments here said that, lol. Are you on the correct comment section? 🤣
Actually, someone did.
Snoop said, “It looked like one of those weak “family shows” with a 10 year old in the lead, not for me.”
errr….They didn’t say it was a weak show. They said it looked like that but it was, in fact, just the opposite. So no one said it was a weak family show unless you completely and selectively ignore the context like the op did. Which is possible. You may have been trying to be ironic …