Interrogation is a true-crime series based on a case that spans more than 20 years, in which a young man was charged and convicted of brutally murdering his mother. After being sentenced to life in prison, he continued to fight to prove his innocence. With all episodes dropping at once, viewers will see the day of the crime and then follow the evidence like a cold case detective, abandon the linear narrative and determine their own investigative path by watching the episodes leading up to the finale in any order.

  • Currently 89.23076923076923/5
(13 votes)
Ratings: TVMaze: 6.6/10
Released: February 6, 2020
Genres: Drama Crime
Companies: Paramount+ CBS Studios Fabrik Entertainment
Cast: David Strathairn Peter Sarsgaard Kyle Gallner Kodi Smit-McPhee
Crew: John Mankiewicz Bill Balas Henrik Bastin Kat Landsberg Jeffrey MacVittie Barbara Curry Melissa Aouate Paul Hilborn Abbey Morris Anders Weidemann Cassie Pappas 3 more

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