When an evil alien named Mondraggor attempts to steal an ancient object called the Pyramid of Power, the pyramid shatters into many pieces, which scatter around the world. Mondraggor races against two human siblings, Peter and Peggy Darrow, who are accompanied by three talking pandas named Chesty, Timothy, and Algernon, who are irradiated by the Pyramid's magic. The three of them ca unite to form Poppapanda, a being with supernatural power. In the air, Mondraggor possesses control over wind, fire, thunder and lightning. On Earth, however, all of his powers disappear except for his ability to control people's minds, leading him to brainwash several people in his attempt to claim the pyramid pieces.

  • Currently 60.0/5
(2 votes)
Ratings: TVMaze: No Rating
Released: September 18, 1982
Runtime: 30 min
Countries: United States
Companies: CBS

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