While on a stakeout with Detective Benson, Detective Fin wanders into a convenience store and finds himself at the scene of a robbery. Shots are fired and Fin is down, and nearly loses his life. This traumatic event turns bittersweet, as Benson reunites Fin with his son Ken who he has not seen in years. Meanwhile, a woman reads about the shootout in the paper, and recognizes Fin from his days in narcotics. Fin once promised to help locate her missing daughter, but was unable to go through with it, because it would have blown his cover. This rediscovery drives Fin to return to narcotics, and finish the job he once promised to do. Teaming up with partner Nick Sandoval they set out to complete this search, and come to find the end result is not what they expected. T
Piglet : A queen seeks to obtain the power to shape-shift and enlists the sorceress Gray Alys to ve...