An animated series based on the movie of the same name. Marty, Doc Brown, Jules and Verne travel through time in the Doctor's modified DeLorean, bouncing from one era to the next where a different adventure awaits them each time. Between shows there are live-action segments featuring Christopher Lloyd as Doc Brown with Bill Nye the Science Guy.Following the conclusion of the third movie, Doc Brown settled in 1991 in Hill Valley with his new wife Clara, their sons Jules and Verne, and the family dog, Einstein. As with the films, time travel was achieved through the use of a modified DeLorean, which had apparently been re-built after it was destroyed at the end of the trilogy The DeLorean now has voice-activated "time circuits" and can also travel instantaneously to different locations in space and time, in addition to folding into a suitcase. The characters also travelled through time using the steam engine time machine Doc invented at the end of Back to the Future Part III.Although Jennifer Parker made occasional appearances, the show focused primarily on Marty and the Brown family, whereas the movies focused on the McFly family. The film's villain, Biff Tannen, also appeared from time to time. In addition, relatives of both the McFly and Tannen families were plentiful in the past or future parallel time zones visited. Unlike the films, which took place entirely in Hill Valley and the surrounding area, the series frequently took the characters to exotic locations.At the end of every episode, Doc Brown would appear to do an experiment, often related to the episode's plot. The first season also included post-credits segments with Biff Tannen telling a joke related to the episode, possibly alluding to Thomas F. Wilson's career as a stand-up comedian.

  • Currently 71.42857142857143/5
(7 votes)
Ratings: TVMaze: 6.5/10
Released: September 14, 1991
Runtime: 30 min
Genres: Adventure Sci-Fi Children
Countries: United States
Companies: CBS Amblin Television Universal Cartoon Studios Zaloom Mayfield Productions BIG Pictures
Cast: Christopher Lloyd
Crew: Robert Zemeckis Bob Gale


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