Alien : Aw. Final season of Vera is up. One episode a day for three days. I will definitely miss t...
michaelmyers : here their in makings of a part 2
Gnostic_Alchemist : Thx 4 reminding me to finish that show
maxx.black2 : might want to apologize to the elephants for this as well...
MorInSound : Season 2 is awesome IMO, but get ready for a super slow burn, that also has nearly every e...
elin : God I love this movie so much 😁
yellow_rose1 : absoulutley Max, shameful.
Zman : Same here. I held out on the first season and binged it, which had me jonesing for season ...
BoomerRWG : MEH! Did they lose all the good writers ? The new guy is just bad , IMO .