Movies and Shows Similar to Babylon 5: The Legend of the Rangers: To Live and Die in Starlight

TeraStorm (2022)

TekWar (1994)

The Mannequin (2022)

G.O.R.A. (2017)

The Cooks (2004)

Island City (1994)

Lifeforms (2023)

Love Child (1996)

Harsh Realm (1999)

VR.5 (1995)

Ulysses (1954)

Stormworld (2009)

Woodwalkers (2024)

Lifeline (2017)

Refugiados (2015)

Time Trax (1993)

The Squad (2023)

Extinct (2017)

On Assignment (2014)

Free LSD (2024)

Logan's Run (1977)

Birder (2023)

Silo (2017)

Dirty Love (2006)

Thank God (2022)

Three Touches (2014)

Empire V (2023)

Serviced (2019)

tardisrider : Ya know if treated right Eddings books would make a fantastic series.......