Movies and Shows Similar to Congo Jazz

Mariutch (1930)

Two-Lip Time (1926)

Ups 'n Downs (1931)

Chess-Nuts (1932)

Cinderella (1922)

Henry's Cat (1983)

Precious Pupp (1965)

Dinosaucers (1987)

The Riddlers (1989)

Johnny Jarvis (1983)

Growing Pains (1992)

Wizbit (1986)

Cowboys (1980)

The Inspector (1965)

Pogles' Wood (1966)

How 2 (1990)

The Gaffer (1981)

Circus Boy (1956)

Don't Wait Up (1983)

Funnybones (1992)

4 Idle Hands (1976)

ITV Playhouse (1967)

Brookside (1982)

Blotto (1930)

Alfresco (1983)

Penny Crayon (1989)

yellow_rose1 : yes I had the same experience. I tried other versions with the same out come, although it ...