After a terrible storm at sea, Bosko ends up shipwrecked on an island. He wakes up on the beach as two monkeys are fighting over his hat. They upset a nest, and an egg falls out, splattering on Bosko’s face. “Yolk’s on you!” cries a parrot, who can’t stop laughing at, and repeating, his pun. The parrot laughs so hard he falls off his branch and into a dead tree trunk shaped like a tube. When he comes out, his feathers have been torn off. Bosko soon has worse troubles than a mocking parrot. A lion chases him. Bosko is saved by an alligator when the lion accidentally jumps into its mouth. But Bosko is not safe yet. He faces his greatest danger when he encounters simian cannibals.
Paulzpc : After Cobera Kai I had to watch where it all started, still a good movie watching this in ...