Movies and Shows Similar to The Karnival Kid

Cinderella (1922)

Chess-Nuts (1932)

The Riddlers (1989)

Circus Boy (1956)

Growing Pains (1992)

How 2 (1990)

The Gaffer (1981)

Cowboys (1980)

The Inspector (1965)

Pogles' Wood (1966)

Johnny Jarvis (1983)

Wizbit (1986)

Don't Wait Up (1983)

Funnybones (1992)

Mariutch (1930)

Two-Lip Time (1926)

Ups 'n Downs (1931)

Alfresco (1983)

Henry's Cat (1983)

Precious Pupp (1965)

Penny Crayon (1989)

Jonny Briggs (1985)

ZZZap! (1993)

Pugwall (1989)

Maxie's World (1987)

Lord Tramp (1977)

Tube Mice (1988)

Huxley Pig (1989)

Pigeon Street (1981)

Piglet : NO!