Movies and Shows Similar to Canned Carrott

How 2 (1990)

Cowboys (1980)

Johnny Jarvis (1983)

The Gaffer (1981)

Pogles' Wood (1966)

Growing Pains (1992)

The Riddlers (1989)

Wizbit (1986)

The Inspector (1965)

Don't Wait Up (1983)

Circus Boy (1956)

Funnybones (1992)

4 Idle Hands (1976)

ITV Playhouse (1967)

Cinderella (1922)

Chess-Nuts (1932)

Penny Crayon (1989)

Maxie's World (1987)

Pigeon Street (1981)

ZZZap! (1993)

Jonny Briggs (1985)

Lord Tramp (1977)

Tube Mice (1988)

Huxley Pig (1989)

Pugwall (1989)

Rosie and Jim (1990)

Postman Pat (1981)

Dragon's Lair (1984)

Byker Grove (1989)

Henry's Cat (1983)

Precious Pupp (1965)

Brookside (1982)

Ups 'n Downs (1931)

Two-Lip Time (1926)

Dante89 : Awesome character in this show though haha xD <3