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On the eve of the 60th anniversary of the 1957 Little Rock school desegregation crisis, educational inequality remains among the most urgent civil rights issues of our time. With its school district hanging in the balance following a state takeover in January 2015, Little Rock today presents a microcosm of the inequities and challenges manifesting in classrooms all across America. Through case studies in Little Rock, New York City, and Los Angeles, Teach Us All seeks to bring the critical lessons of history to bear on the current state of U.S. education and investigate: 60 years later, how far have we come-or not come-and how do we catalyze action from here?

  • Currently 2.75/5
(8 votes)
Ratings: IMDB: 6.7/10
Released: September 25, 2017
Runtime: 80 min
Genres: Documentary
Countries: United States
Crew: Sonia Lowman

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Tiger8me 0 points 5 years ago.

The essence of spiritual love is liberation from deciding who is or isn’t worthy of light, since those in most need of the light often cry out for it in the most horrific and self-destructive ways.
No matter how furious or incensed the actions of others make you, the blessing of spiritual love suggests : “I send you this light because I respect the evolution of your soul too much to help you avoid your history of pain by condemning or criticizing your actions. May you be blessed with light, so to break the cycles of abuse, so no other person, including yourself, may be hurt moving forward.”
Matt Kahn

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Siks 4 points 5 years ago.

How is addressing a current problem propaganda?

Tiger8me 0 points 5 years ago.

Ok, I get that, but NLP is repetition…saying the same thing over and over again…like the U.S. government using Terrorist, terrorism, etc. since 9/11.

octoberswill -3 points 5 years ago.

I get you..but that’s more of a thing where people want to believe a thing and use any way to support their bs….we didn’t…so we didn’t.

octoberswill -2 points 5 years ago.

Yep….the thing about NLP it’s all A B and C work for Subject D therefore it will work for you….lelz…. It’s like the whole 12 step programs….it works as well as any other strategy to quit whatever….but no more and it’s still less than a 6% success rate and even that percentage is debatable because people who fall off the wagon aren’t keen to admit their failings….this bs is propagated because money (ie rehab clinics)and the double down effect…I invested this time and money so it must work, etc

octoberswill -2 points 5 years ago.

but groups and companies are bamboozled into thinking it’s a thing because money.