magically_delicious : You know, "they", "them",,,, brrrrr logic in the bin and whatever we want them to be when ...
magically_delicious : Wide set eyes are specifically something Hollyweird looks for in their lead women: **1 pr...
Alien : Having never read "The Sunken Convent"...WTF WAS THAT??!!! AAAAAH!
grhaggerty : What a great show, the best series I've seen in some time.
GeminiSaga : Why are Americans so obsessed with a fictional character's skin color from an old book tha...
random000 : Always loved Kris Kuksi's artwork they use for the opening sequence.
hellsingfan01 : Disney himself made films for the whole to enjoy which means both boys and girls can enjoy...
hellsingfan01 : Yup exactly plus this movie is one giant facepalm.
hellsingfan01 : Simple because that would actually require Disney to do something new and creative and why...
random000 : One of our favorite Tilda Swinton movies with Doctor Venture James Urbaniak.