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Have you ever wondered why we laugh? What makes something funny? One thing everyone pretty much agrees: laughing is fun and makes you feel good. “Just Laugh” is a fun-filled documentary that explores the many positive benefits of simply.. laughing. Scientific proof has shown that a good belly laugh increases blood circulation, reduces stress, and builds the immune system. Discover how laughter helps us cope with life’s aggravations and anxieties, lowers blood pressure and improves brain functioning. Looking at the funny side of a situation can help you relax and be more open to solving any problem, or help you get perspective as to how “serious” something really is. The average American adult is said to laugh about fifteen times a day. Compare this to a four-year old, who laughs once every four minutes. Even medical professionals are utilizing laughter as part of their treatments in a variety of ways. Regardless of political, religious and social boundaries, laughter is the universal language everyone understands. It’s cheap medicine. A good prescription for a healthy mind and body is to be sure to take several doses of it each day. So why not be good to yourself? Just Laugh!

  • Currently 0.0/5
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Ratings: IMDB: 0.0/10
Released: January 1, 2010
Genres: Documentary
Cast: Danny Aiello Federico Castelluccio Dominic Chianese Fran Capo
Crew: Anton Evangelista

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