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A documentary comparing the highly profitable American health care industry to other nations, and HMO horror stories including shotgun deaths.

  • Currently 3.4/5
(20 votes)
Ratings: IMDB: 8.0/10
Released: June 29, 2007
Runtime: 123 min
Genres: Documentary Drama
Countries: United States
Companies: Dog Eat Dog Films The Weinstein Company The Weinstein Company Dog Eat Dog Films
Cast: George W. Bush Michael Moore Tony Benn Tucker Albrizzi
Crew: Michael Moore

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  • Currently 3.370454545454545/5
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Version 2 streamvid.net 39 views Report Link
  • Currently 3.0338983050847457/5
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Mixxxy 5 points 5 years ago. 5/5 stars.

Why do people hate this guy for telling the truth? 10/10.

Mr. Bungle 4 points 5 years ago*.

Yes, they say they hate Michael Moore, but more to the point, they hate what he represents. They hate the fact he points out blatantly obvious imperfections and other evils in the American system, political and otherwise, when they’ve been brainwashed into believing America is perfect, guided by the hand of God, and can do no wrong. They don’t want to admit to themselves that America is far from perfect, and in many ways, is the exact opposite of what it claims to be. That kind of denial leads to anger and hate, and in some cases violence, especially since they’ve been so passionate about that misbelief their entire lives! Sicko is one of the best Moore documentaries, and one of the best documentaries I’ve ever seen period. A lot of eye-opening stuff! I was for universal care before I saw this in 2007, and all this film did was solidify that belief in me forever!

Alien -2 points 5 years ago.

I agree 100%. IMO, your analysis also applies to many aspects of American government. The President’s administration, for one.

Mixxxy -4 points 5 years ago. 5/5 stars.

Thank you, but it was a rhetorical question.

Pseudonym -3 points 5 years ago.

goodbye sober day ^_^

Pseudonym -2 points 5 years ago.

^^ Man, rough crowd. Is the title of a loved song by Mr Bungle (OP’s handle)

bcjammerx -4 points 5 years ago.

because he doesn’t “tell the truth”. try fact checking him…I bet you won’t.

irishmark 1 points 5 years ago.

Thank God i have free health care

Johnny2Stripes 2 points 5 years ago.

Indeed i also enjoy it. Those damn socialists inventing the NHS ensuring everyone has free healthcare, what were they thinking.

redtreetops 0 points 5 years ago. 1/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

hindsight disclaimer: everything in this movie was a lie

Johnny2Stripes -3 points 5 years ago.

If you’re triggered by a film maker who may or may not be telling the truth and aren’t triggered by your loose with the truth leaders and governments, you seriously need psychiatric help.

Pseudonym -5 points 5 years ago*.

Because he aggressively refuses to take the hint that, when you are on the right side of an argument/history, you DO NOT NEED to make arguments in bad faith; in fact, historically it almost always does more harm than good.

I mean, seriously, if I were a Koch Brother, and I wanted to invent someone to steer progressive discourse to my advantage… Someone who would crusade to CONSISTENTLY derail the few meaningful ideological discussions which DO arise into reactionary, tribal slogans to yell past one another…

Someone who could do it all: to those inclined to agree, promote a mindset and talking points mired in self-righteous class resentment rather than strategic class struggle. To those NOT inclined to agree, to be self-appointed Strawman General of talk-show-land, learning nothing from ceaseless, infuriatingly problematic use of disingenuous half-truths and questionable framings. And to those who don’t really know, aren’t very political: half the time older ones are gonna feel defensive or dismissive before a word of substance gets spoken; and the younger ones, bred to smell partisan-hackery a mile away, are gonna go full cringe at a range of rhetorical/theatrical stunts so tired and anemic they were prolly interviewed in this film

bcjammerx -4 points 5 years ago.

you could more succinctly have said to fact check him. He lies and exaggerates, plain and simple.

Pseudonym -4 points 5 years ago.

Hmmm, I MAY have had some rhetorical fun, haha. But my criticism wasn’t about his honesty really, more the tragic role he’s played setting back the very causes he advocates. My guess would be out of some ill-conceived “fight fire with fire” counter-Limbaugh sorta deal, hitting all the same addictive-righteous-rage pressure valves.

When you’re on moral high ground, the smart play usually looks like helping others people up while pretending not to notice. In today’s insane resentment/“doubling down” culture war loop, to encourage waging a culture war in its own trenches is reactionary as best, rabid at worst.

Jhigh03 -1 points 5 years ago.

Gaslight the other side and be sure to accuse those who disagree with anything of be phobic to said issue. This is the way.

Pseudonym -1 points 5 years ago.

So tweeteth the Lord, (r)amen