“Macaroni Necklaces” is a mockumentary comedy written and directed by Dusty Trice. The short film focuses on a bickering couple who make arts and crafts while their marriage falls apart at the seams. Starring Julie Brister as the colorfully crafty Holly Graham and Mike Frankovich as artistic handyman Horace Graham. Featuring music by Supaman, including “It Rains” & “Why”. |
Ratings: | IMDB: 0.0/10 | |
Released: | January 1, 2016 | |
Runtime: | 16 min | |
Genres: | Documentary Comedy Short | |
Cast: | Julie Brister Mike Frankovich III Dusty Trice | |
Crew: | Dusty Trice | |
MikeyMomo : A pretty good movie, worth watching for sure!